The Millionaire And You
The Millionaire and You
A Short Story Not To Be Missed
About 10 or so years ago I received a phone call. This was before the texting craze, which was to my benefit.
The call was from a millionaire. To me! Steven Spangenberg. OMG.
He stated that he was in town from California and wanted me to come and have lunch with him. I was in PA and he was in Maryland. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive for me…one way.
My path was clear. I had spent time with this person before. Attended some of his events and also paid for some of his programs.
I told my wife (at the time) that I got a call and I was going to have lunch with this person. She said WHAT!? That is a 5 hour round trip drive! Just to have lunch! No way, you are not going.
I went.
Why? When a millionaire calls YOU wanting to have lunch. GO! Only if you want to be a millionaire. If not, stay home.
I had lunch with him, had a walk around the Inner Harbor and came home.The next two years sales were multiple 6 figures.
The point – If you want to become a millionaire and a millionaire invites you to spend time with them…GO. No matter what the cost.
You cannot get to be what you want to be by hanging around others who cannot help you get there.
The Second Point – This is your invitation to hang out for 2 days with millionaires. CLICK HERE if you want to come and learn how to be a millionaire. Don’t let anything hold you back.
PS – I must spill the beans. That millionaire was Jeff Combs. Jeff – Thank you for calling me!
Who will you be thanking?