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The Tax Reduction Package For Young Living Consultants

The Key To Saving Thousands of Dollars EVERY Year
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About the Class

If you are a Young Living consultant this course is for you. It covers how to report your income and also goes over in detail every business deduction available to you.

This is a course for USA taxes only.

Finding a CPA or tax accountant that specializes in home-based businesses and/or Young Living is hard, much less a person who has personal experience with being a consultant themselves. I have been a Young Living consultant for over 10 years and use oils on a daily basis.

You want to make sure you file your taxes correctly with the IRS and comply with the laws of being a business.

Here are the contents of the course:

  • How to be compliant with the IRS
  • Are you in business
  • What are deductions
  • Automobile deductions
  • Travel deductions
  • Meals and entertainment
  • Hire your children
  • The home office
  • Young Living inventory and write off 100% of your oils
  • Structuring your business

Disclaimer: This course is not intended to be legal advice. Your tax situation may be different and you should consult your tax advisor as not all of these items may pertain to you. Also, this course is not affiliated in any way with the Young Living Company.

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